16 Caro Way, Fraser Rise, Vic 3336

4 bedroom house at 18 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 sold on Jan 27, 2022. View 15 photos, floorplans, schools and neighbourhood info on Homely.
14 Miro Way, FRASER RISE VIC 3336

Property data for 17 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336. Get sold price history and market data for real estate in Fraser Rise VIC.
4 Pinnacle Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 Domain
18 Miro Way, Fraser Rise, Vic 3336 has a land size of 491 m². It is a house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 parking spaces. It was sold in 2023 for $810,000 by Ray White Deer Park - DEER PARK. Median sold prices over the last year is $719,000 for houses. Powered by .
16 Snowsill Way, Fraser Rise YouTube

Property data for 16 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336. Get sold price history and market data for real estate in Fraser Rise VIC.
1 Savas Way, FRASER RISE VIC 3336

3 bedroom house at 18 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 sold on Mar 8, 2023. View 17 photos, schools and neighbourhood info on Homely.
Botania Fraser Rise Mimosa Homes

18 Miro Way, Fraser Rise, Vic 3336. $810,000. Get your property appraised. Message. Name (required) Email address (required) Phone number. Postcode. Send enquiry. Personal Information Collection Statement.
8 Equinox Way, Fraser Rise, VIC 3336

The estimated property value of 18 Miro Way Fraser Rise VIC is $801,000 with a potential rental income of $515 per week. Need a clearer understanding of your property value? Get a free appraisal. Property timeline. View historical data on past sold prices, rent and leased history of this house and if withdrawn from market.
Sold 13 Caro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 on 15 Dec 2022 2018133554 Domain
View property details of 10 Miro Way, Fraser Rise, VIC 3336 and other properties in Fraser Rise online at Woodards.
Sold 11 Sagrada Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 on 01 May 2023 2018449428 Domain
3 bedroom house for sale at 10 Miro Way, Fraser Rise, VIC 3336, $700,000 - $740,000. View 10 property photos, floor plans and Fraser Rise suburb information.
23 Caro Way, Fraser Rise, Vic 3336 YouTube

4 bedroom house for Sale at 18 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336. View property photos, floor plans, local school catchments & lots more on Domain.com.au. 2018307776
7 Lilybloom Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 Domain
18 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 is currently listed for Sale with a price of "CONTACT AGENT - RAY WHITE DEER PARK ". 18 Miro Way is a House, with 3 bedrooms.
28 Equinox Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 House For Rent Domain
18 Miro Way is a property in Fraser Rise VIC 3336. View more about this property and browse similar listings in Fraser Rise on Allhomes.com.au.
18 Petunia Way, FRASER RISE Sweeney Estate Agents
The perfect fusion of sophistication & intelligent design this elegant Fraser Rise residence showcases exemplary finishes and effortless convenience for the most fastidious buyer.A stones throw from Springside West Secondary College and the new IGA… Listed by Ray White Deer Park
Equinox Way, Fraser Rise

3 bedroom house for sale at 10 Miro Way, Fraser Rise VIC 3336 for $660k-$690k. View 10 photos, floorplans, inspection times, schools and neighbourhood info on Homely.

17 Miro Way, Fraser Rise, Vic 3336 has a land size of 502 m². It is a house with 3 bedrooms. It was sold in 2013 for $248,000. Median sold prices over the last year is $716,000 for houses.
3 Wander Way, Fraser Rise, VIC 3336

18 properties on Miro Way Fraser Rise, VIC 3336. 18 properties in Miro Way, Fraser Rise. 1 Miro Way 3 Miro Way 4 Miro Way 5 Miro Way 6 Miro Way 7 Miro Way 8 Miro Way 9 Miro Way 10 Miro Way 11 Miro Way 12 Miro Way 13 Miro Way. 14 Miro Way 15 Miro Way 16 Miro Way 17 Miro Way 18 Miro Way 20 Miro Way.
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