MZ Trophy Sport ETS 250 Tax exempt 2 stroke motorcycle for restoration
Article continues below…. 2pm saw me arriving on time at my destination and a short walk from the station took me to my new bike, a 1971 MZ ETS250 Trophy Sport in red and black livery. It has the same engine as my ES250/2 Trophy, with the same power output, but with a lightweight sports front end with conventional forks instead of that heavy.

My 2T MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport 1973. My 2T MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport 1973. My 2T MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport 1973.

Liebe MZ und Simson Fans!Ich heiße Csaba Béla Gábor und lebe in Ungarn, Szombathely. Ich wurde in Mittweida, in der DDR geboren, daher kommt die Liebe zur MZ.
MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport

Die MZ ETS 250 wurde parallel zum bis auf den Vorderbau fast baugleichen Modell ES 250/2 produziert.. Das Kürzel ETS steht herstellerseitig für „Einzylinder, Teleskopgabel, Schwinge". Mit einer MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport lief am 21. Juni 1970 das 1.000.000ste Motorrad seit 1950 in Zschopau vom Band. Technik. Zum Bau der neuen Motorräder.
MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport Billeder af mcer Uploaded af Flemming Skov S

Vorgestellt wurde die ETS 250 Trophy Sport auf der Leipziger Frühjahrsmesse 1969. Die Eckdaten: Bj. 1968 - 1973. 243 ccm. 19 PS bei 5200 rpm. 130 km/h. 151 kg. Magische Zahl: Mit der MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport läuft am 21.06.1970 das 1.000.000ste Motorrad seit 1950 vom Band.
MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport Restaurálás MZ BELA

The MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport is a classic motorcycle that was produced in East Germany during the mid-20th century. It was known for its sleek design, performance, and durability. Like any vintage motorcycle, it requires regular maintenance and occasional replacement of parts to keep it running smoothly. Maintaining an MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport.
MUZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport 1972. Technische daten. Leistung. Drehmoment. Kraftstoffverbrauch.

MZ ETS 250 (courtesy of wikimedia). In response to the Trophy Sport 250 hot on its heels came the ETS125 and the ETS150 Trophy Sports which, like their big brother dispensed with the Earles forks in favour of teles, had sportier looking tank ( from the Simson Sperber ) and seat, straight or raised handle bars and sleeker mud guards..

Liebe MZ und Simson Fans!Ich heiße Csaba Béla Gábor und lebe in Ungarn, Szombathely. Ich wurde in Mittweida, in der DDR geboren, daher kommt die Liebe zur MZ.
MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport Baujahr 1970 Originalzustand Ddr fahrzeuge, Motorrad, Oldtimer motorrad

MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport 1971 - 1972. The 1971 MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport is a classic, sporty machine, that comes with an air-cooled, two-stroke, 243cc, single cylinder engine paired to a four-speed.
la MZ trophy sport ou ets 250

MZ ETS250 Trophy Sports 243cc 69 - 73 MZ TS250 & TS250 Sports 243cc 73 - 76 MZ TS250/1 Supa 5 243cc 76 - 83. Product Details . Open Close. Print Manual. Part number: 0253. ISBN-13: 9781850104650 . Print On Demand . Open Close. Haynes Print On Demand - authentic Haynes know-how, created uniquely for you.
MZ 250 ETS "Trophy Sport" 1970 En rigtig spændende klassisk

MZ ETS 250 Original Trophy Sport Bj. 07/1973. MZ ETS 250 Original Trophy Sport Bj. 07/1973 Nach über 20 Jahren Standzeit wieder zum Leben. 7.199 € VB. 1973. 2. 36039 Fulda. 17.03.2024. Mz ETS 250 Bericht. Preis inklusive Versand. Gerne per PayPal an Freunde. Guter Zustand. Privatverkauf.
MZ 250 ETS "Trophy Sport" Billeder af mcer Uploaded af Mickey M

In order to meet the wishes of many MZ-Enthusiasts from all over the world, MZ has developed a new Sport-Machine -the ETS 250 Trophy-Sport. The basic structure of this machine is the well known ES 250-2. For this reason you can generally rely on the repair manual of the ES 175-2 - ES 250-2, concerning all kinds of repair work.
MZ ETS 250 1971 Trophy Sport MZ ETS 250 1971 Trophy Sport Flickr

The 1971 MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport is a classic, sporty machine, that comes with an air-cooled, two-stroke, 243cc, single cylinder engine paired to a four-speed manual transmission, and can reach a.
MZ Trophy Sport ETS 250 Tax exempt 2 stroke motorcycle for restoration
1972 MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport. The 1971 MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport is a classic, sporty machine, that comes with an air-cooled, two-stroke, 243cc, single cylinder engine paired to a four-speed manual transmission, and can reach a maximum power output of 19 horsepower at 5000 rpm. This machine boasts standard features such as a dual seat, full.
Buy MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport barn find on 2040motos

1972 MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport,believe it or not this is quite a rare model,only about 600 were imported into UK,people take the p@ss out of MZ's ,mostly those who have never ridden one!.,i know its not a ducati,but it is European and red! Apr 21, 2014
Motorrad MZ ETS 250 Trophy Sport DDR Museum Berlin

1972 MZ ETS Trophy Sport 250. One for the true 2-stroke enthusiasts. For sale on eBay: >> ***** Classic 2 Strokes · March 15, 2020 · 1972 MZ ETS Trophy Sport 250. One for the true 2-stroke enthusiasts.
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